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Dress Down Days
Dress Down Days

Dress Down Days are welcomed by the students and faculty. There are two different Dress Down Days we implement during the school year, a "Regular" Dress Down Day (that might have a theme) or a "Spirit" Day where students have the option to wear seasonal gym uniform bottoms with "CKRS Spirit Wear" tops.

The PTA Newsletter and website will post the particular Dress Down Day and let the families know which dress code guidelines to follow. Dress Down Days are optional, students can wear their official uniform that day. If the Dress Down Day is a fundraiser for a particular charity or school organization, then the cost for participation will be posted.

 Regular Dress Down Day Guidelines: Seasonal uniform codes will apply. Dress down day attire should be neat and modest. T-Shirts with slogans or wording are not permitted. Shirts must have sleeves. Midriff and spaghetti strap tops are not permitted. Low riding jeans are not permitted. No flip flops or sandals allowed. Skirt and short lengths follow the original uniform code. Inappropriate dress will restrict the student from dressing down on the next designated day. Parents will be called to bring appropriate attire. A special "theme" can be part of this Dress Down Day, for example "Valentine's, St. Patrick's, Phillie Fever, Eagles" This allows student to wear tops that fit the theme of the Dress Down Day.

 "Spirit Wear" Dress Down Day Guidelines: When the school initiates a "Spirit Wear" Dress Down day, the following guidelines should be followed. Seasonal uniform codes will apply. The student can wear the gym uniform (top & bottom) with the option to wear a "Spirit Wear" top; gym uniform bottoms must be worn. The "Spirit Wear" top can be the tie-dye Spirit Wear t-shirt, any CKRS athletic team t-shirt, or other CKRS t-shirt. The student can always wear the official dress uniform.